For nearly 4 years, we have experienced so much as a Sheriff’s Office. Countless stories and experiences that we will cherish forever. But nothing ever tops seeing people saved and baptized. The 8 men in this photo made the greatest decision of their life. I can now call them my brother in Christ. It is easy to get caught up in looking at them as just inmates. It is easy to not want to help and just make them sit in a cell until their sentence is over. As Christians, God calls us to do the opposite. We should be the hands and feet of Jesus - in the jail, on the streets, or wherever we are needed. The jail is blessed with great volunteers who commit their time and passion to sharing the love of our Savior. Chaplain Fred Owenby does a tremendous job and has a true servants heart. It is because of these folks lives are being changed.
I ask that all of us continue to pray for these men as they will face trials and tribulations…probably some we cannot fathom. Pray for their strength to continue seeking and following Christ in all they do.
- Russell